What is linux operating system
Linux is a Unix-like operating system. It is designed to provide computers with a free or low-end and open source operating system. When we say "Open source" it means that anyone can see the source code of the operating system, you know, programmers first write the source code using a programming language, and then the computer converts it into an executable form (0 and 1) so we can run it on devices our computer. , and can be compared to the classic Unix versions, which are usually more expensive.
The kernel (the central part of the operating system) was developed in Finland by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki. To finalize the operating system, Linus Torvalds and other members of his team used system components developed by members of the Free Software Foundation for another Unix-like operating system: the GNU Project.
Linux is a complete operating system. It includes a user interface, a graphical environment for the X Window System, TCP/IP connectivity, the Emacs editor, and other components common to the overall Unix system.
While the copyrights to Linux components belong to their various makers, Linux is distributed under the Free Software Foundation's "copyleft" system, under which modified and redistributed copies, in turn, must be freely available.
Unlike Windows and other proprietary systems, Linux is open to the public for any contributor who wants to enrich their code.
Because Linux conforms to the Mobile Operating System Interface (POSIX) standard user interfaces, developers can write programs that can be ported to other operating systems.
Linux comes in all sizes and types, providing a variety from which to choose the distro that best meets your needs. There are distros for beginners, distros for experts, and many more. Another advantage of this diversity is the innovation taking place in the world of Linux because it is open source and easy to learn.
Why do we recommend working in Linux:
The Windows operating system you are using is a proprietary system, no one knows what is inside, it may contain spyware and backdoors from Microsoft, and send it a lot of information and data about you. Even when the data sending options on the control panel are turned off. All system design decisions come from one side that you as a user cannot oppose.
Windows is owned and developed by one company. It is completely different in Linux, there are hundreds of companies and hundreds of thousands of developers who contribute separately to write all parts of the system and improve it to be the best image of the user. There are companies that develop the kernel, there are companies that develop user interfaces, there are companies that work on web browsers, and so on.
For this reason, Linux is more secure and respectful of your privacy. It also opens up a wide range of what you can do with your computer. It is also completely free and great for learning.
Linux Advantages:
1 freedom:Most Linux distros are free software that no one needs to pay for a copy to work with, but that's just one aspect of the freedom Linux users have over owners of other systems. What's more, Linux conveyances can be downloaded free of charge, lawfully introduced on however many PCs as you need, and given free (and legitimately) to other people. Since most of the distributions are open source, you have access to the source code and you can customize Linux to be whatever you want; You can even create your own distro if you want.
Linux is easy to install! In many cases, installing Linux on a PC is easier than installing Windows.
2 Linux is very stable:
Linux systems rarely fail, and when they do, the entire system usually doesn't. The "blue screen of death" familiar to Windows users is not the concern of Linux users.
3 Linux does not generally slow down over time:
Unlike Windows, Linux is not easily entangled with spyware, viruses, etc., which can significantly reduce computer performance. Also, since Linux does not have a registry like Windows does, it does not suffer from frequent registry errors that can slow down a computer over time. Finally, Windows PC hard drives (especially Windows XP and earlier) should be defragmented regularly in order to maintain faster performance, as they are formatted in NTFS. On the other hand, since Linux is usually formatted differently with ext4 among others, there is no need to defragment your Linux hard drive.
Linux disadvantages
1 Numerous Windows projects won't run in Linux:
Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, and many other popular Windows programs will not work natively on Linux because it has its own working system. The good news is that there are good ways to deal with most of these issues. For example, music libraries can be managed with an iPod using software such as Amarok, Banshee, or Rhythmbox on Linux. Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are great internet browsers that can be used in place of Internet Explorer. It's also possible to run iTunes on Linux using Wine, VirtualBox, or Parallels, although good results are hard to come by. LibreOffice and OpenOffice are both excellent office suites that can be used in place of Microsoft Office, but while the general compatibility between the two is good with Microsoft Office formats, it's not perfect.
2 There is a smaller set of external device drivers for LINUX:
There is a smaller set of drivers for devices (printers, scanners, and other peripherals) in Linux than in Windows, although many new Linux device drivers are constantly being added. This problem is closely related to the fact that not all Linux distributions work with all groups of computers. As I said earlier, there are distros for beginners and experts. You cannot put a high-quality and powerful distribution on your computer that has rather weak specifications. And it works fine with their computers. . When it comes to printers, some manufacturers offer better Linux support than others like HP.
3 Learning curve is one of the disadvantages of Linux:
Using Windows is very easy compared to Linux. You have to know the command line interface, and searching for new programs in Linux is a bit difficult, especially for beginners.
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