What is the C++ language used for?
C++ is the programming language most used by developers, especially in terms of applications. It makes it possible to approach development under several paradigms: generic, procedural and object-oriented programming. It is a compiled language, which means that the source code has been translated into object code, or binary so that the machine can execute it.
The question is: Should we choose a language because it is spread all over the world? There are some interesting languages but they are very little used. The concern about less-used languages is that it's hard to find people to help you and advise you when you have a problem. This is one of the reasons why C++ is a good choice for those who want to get started: there are enough people developing in C++ that you don't have to worry about finding yourself on your own!
Of course, there are other criteria besides popularity. In my opinion the most important thing is the level of language. In the world of programming, there are high-level languages and low-level languages, and each of them has a different way of working and using it.
What are the advantages and fragility of the C++ language
C++ is not very modern: it was developed in the 1980s to provide more functionality to the C language, which was developed in the 1970s. Compatibility between the two languages is increasingly limited. However, the main drawback of C++ is its high degree of abstraction. Unlike languages such as Python or Ruby, which are relatively accessible to the general public, C++ is a low-level language, closer to machine work, and therefore less understandable and intuitive for humans. On the other hand, C++ offers advantages to its users:
- More performance in the program created, it is one of the most powerful and fastest languages. This explains its success in the competitive smartphone app industry.
- It is very popular, widely commented and taught on the web, through specialized forums and online training platforms. Although it is not the simplest language, it remains, therefore, accessible to beginners in self-training
- Portable from one operating system to another, no need to rework to switch from Windows to Linux or Mac OS
- Well equipped with libraries, since the standard C++ library includes most of the elements of the standard C library and the Standard Template Library (STL). This point gives him a variety of very interesting features.
Of course, C++ is not the primary language. It itself has its drawbacks compared to other languages, and its complexity in particular. You have a great deal of control over your computer's operation (and memory management): it saves a lot of power, but if you misuse it, you can easily crash your program. Don't worry, we will learn all about this gradually.
What are the main uses of C++
Although Java and C# are the most complete today, C++ is still widely used in:
Most graphics applications: creating 3D programs for example
- Read the word processor
- Video games
- Executing financial instruments
- Create specific military programs.
How is C++ handled
One of the most popular ways to make this language work is through the integrated development environment Visual C ++, specially developed by Microsoft.
sum up
* Programs allow you to perform all kinds of actions on a computer: surfing the web, writing texts, processing files, etc.
* To make programs, instructions are written to the computer in a programming language. This is the source code.
* The code must be translated into binary by a tool called an interpreter to be able to run the program. The computer only understands binary.
* C++ is a very popular and fast programming language. It is an evolution of the C language because in particular it offers the possibility of object-oriented programming, a powerful programming technique that will be presented in this book.
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