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How to rank your article on the first page of Google

How to rank your article on the first page of Google

How to rank your article on the first page of Google

Nowadays, everyone creates their own blog and submits it to the search engine. By submitting it to a Google search engine, he wants his blog to rank on the first page of Google. But Google doesn't rank everyone's articles on the first page. For this you need to follow a few points on how to rank a post on the first page of Google.

To bring a blog post to Google search engines, you need to make your post SEO friendly. You can do SEO for your blog post and rank your blog post on the search engine.

How does your post rank on the first page of Google?

You can rank a post on the first page of Google by following the points. the third

 1 - Use the keyword in the title

If you are writing an article, the most important part is the title. If you set the title of your article easily, the reader will easily know about the topic on which the article was written. You can use the keywords you focus on in the job title. What is the topic of your post, it all depends on the title. If you put the focus of the keywords in the title, they will definitely appear in the search engine. If you want your message to appear in the Google search engine, you must use a keyword in the title.

2- Use the long-tail keyword in the title

Always keep the message title long. Using long keywords in titles ranks quickly in search engines. Search engines always rank for long tail words. You can use your keyword with a long tail keyword. Instead of using short-tail keywords, new bloggers should use long-tail keywords in order for your message to appear in Google search engines quickly.

  1. Examples of long tail keywords -
  2. Best shoes under 2000 rupees.
  3. How to rank your blog in Google Search Console.

3 - Use your keyword in the first paragraph 

You should use the focus keyword in the first paragraph when writing a blog post. If you use keyword focus in the first paragraph, Google will rank your post quickly. New bloggers always make the same mistake, they don't give much importance to keyword focus and use keyword focus as needed. Secondly, Google does not rank their posts because they are not using keywords correctly in the post.

4 - Search for keywords for an article 

Before writing an article, do a keyword research so you can research the keywords for your article. By doing keyword research, you will get the keyword for your article and you can write your article using keyword focus.

You can use keyword research tools to perform keyword research.

With the help of keyword research tools, you can perform keyword research and you can find poorly competitive keywords, highly competitive keywords, and medium competitive keywords.

Always use low competitive keywords because search volume for low competitive keywords is low and they rank quickly in Google.

With keyword research tools, you can find keywords for your articles and check keyword search volume

5 - Always analyze your competition 

You should always learn something new from your competitor. You can read his post and try to learn something new. Read his article and try to find out the ranking of his article in Google search engines.

6 - Create your own content 

Content is called king in blogging. The more unique your content is, the more you will benefit from it. Google always values ​​unique content. The more unique content you write, the more Google will always rank your content in the search engines. You need to create your content by doing keyword research and using keywords to rank your post in Google search engines.

You should write your article at length. You can give as much information as possible in a long article. Your essay must be written in at least 1000 words. Google always prefers to rank for long articles.

7 - Use of internal and external links 

Internal links mean that you can use your post link in your other article. If any of your posts are ranked in Google, you should use that post link in your other post called Inner Link.

You can create a backlink from a high authority site by writing a guest post, this is called an external link.

Similarly, with the help of internal and external links, you can rank your post.

8 - Blog Design 

You need to keep your blog design simple. If you keep the blog design simple, the search engine gives more importance to your article. Your blog speed, menu, color, all these factors are important in designing a blog .

9 - Description of the search 

You must write a research description for your publication. You should use your target keywords in the search description.

Research description helps readers know what is written in your letter.

How to rank your post on the first page of Google.

10 - Back to page 

Before you publish the article, you need on-page SEO for your blog post.

You can use your keyword in the title, you can use your keyword in meta tags.

You cannot copy other people's content. You can use an image in your post. You can write a long article.

Always write your article in a short paragraph, this will help your readers to understand it well.

11 - Off-page SEO 

After creating an article, you need to do off-page SEO for your blog.

Off-page SEO means you can share it on any social media site like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

You can write a guest article on a high authority site and get a backlink from that site.

You can submit your blog to the directory.

12- Submitting your site to search engines

After creating a blog, it must be submitted to the search engine. The blog must be submitted to search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. You get traffic from all 


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